Anniversary BlessingHappy Anniversary
I celebrate your finding the practice of ashtanga, the shala and community. I am honored and grateful to be one of your teachers and a bearer of light on your path. It is a joy to hold the light of the practice up high, open my arms wide, to inspire, guide and support you. Blessing on your path May you feel the sacredness of the teachings and practice. May the breath and prana fill your body and soul and inspire your passions. May you joyfully dance with the twists and turns on your path of asana and life. May you press your hands together in front of your heart and be filled with gratitude. May you welcome the days and years of your journey with grace and beauty. May you take the gifts from your practice out of the shala into the precious moments of your life. Gratefully and joyfully, I bless you. Diana Comments are closed.